Epanastatis Popolaros / The Revolutionary (1971)

92’, Drama


Giannis Dalianidis

Starring: Kostas Prekas, Betty Livanou, Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Pantelis Zervos

The film is set in the late-nineteenth-century Zakynthos, during an ongoing class discrimination between the haughty aristocracy and the humble petite bourgeoisie of the Ionian Islands. A warm summer in Bohali, in the states of Conte Dimaras, his beautiful and pampered daughter, Elda, and her two dorky cousins are getting bored, and Elda lets a charming, revolutionary, law student, Zepos Pebonaris, approach her. After their return to the city, Zepos, who believes that Elda loves him and doesn’t accept the social discrimination, makes the fatal mistake of greeting her in public – an inappropriate and vulgar act according to the aristocratic circles of the island. The social outcry and the oath of Conte Dimaras to get revenge, force Zepos to leave for Athens. Love, however, arms him with strength and courage, urges him to return and oppose the noble caste.


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