A love drama of 9 episodes against the backdrop of harsh modern reality.

Orestes travels to a small island during the pandemic in order to set up, from scratch, a music festival. Confronted with the small society of the island and all its pathologies, he will find himself involved in an extreme love story that will be a motivation to manifest all the social problems that plague an entire group of people. They are all connected to each other and in a way complicit in what is to come.

Starring: Christophoros Papakaliatis, Haris Alexiou, Maria Kavogianni, Fanis Mouratidis, Marissa Triantafyllidou, Antinoos Albanis, Stefania Gouliotis, Yannis Tsortekis, Clelia Andriolatou, Orestis Chalkias, George Benos, Dimitris Kitsos, Sandra Sarafanova, Tonia Marakis, George Biniaris

Screenplay – Director: Christoforos Papakaliatis

Original Music: Kostas Christides

Produced by: Foss Productions

Production: ALTER EGO MASS MEDIA S.A. MEGA 2022-2023